Hawkes Bay Turning Collaboration 2018
This year there was less tui song and less wind but fewer people had just as much enjoyment turning wood at this gathering of 26 woodies. Well, I think that was the count. I saw Dan from Woodcut Tools making a few shavings. That Hoot from Taupo was there for a while too – maybe just checking to see whether he could get there and back without putting the wrong fuel in the car. A few of the locals popped in for a while and there may have been more casual visitors too.
Thanks to Roger and Hawkes Bay Club members for their setup work and cleaning up after us.
They set us three projects: Make something from this old totara telephone pole (items 1 to 8); Use the wood from this box of bits (items 9 to 16); and use a chunk of this old totara stump (items 17 to 24). After that we made whatever we liked, as long as it was collaborative.
Photographs by Dick Veitch
Make something from this old totara telephone pole
Totara Totem
Made by: Mark Bayliss, Troy Grimwood and Logan van der Meer
Using: Totara telephone pole and paua
1500 tall
Farm Scene
Made by: Jim Lowe, Colin Parkinson and Dick Veitch
Using: Totara telephone pole, stones, wire and fake grass
400 long
Vase with Roses
Made by: Annita Fritz, Tony Waterson and Warwick Day
Using: Totara telephone pole and copper
550 high
Totara Family
Made by: Wal Drayton, Heather Vivian and Leith Gray
Using: Totara telephone pole
400 high
The Totara Wept
Made by: Mark von Dadelszen, Neil Joynt and David Marshall
Using: Totara telephone pole
420 high
Made by: Ross Vivian, Roger Mabey and Graeme Mackay
Using: Totara telephone pole with carving, pyrography and knobs
600 high
Made by: Geoff Addison, Nick Crozier and Brent Salisbury
Using: Totara telephone pole
340 wide
Use the wood from this box of bits
Fruit Bowl
Made by: Troy Grimwood, Andrew Bright and Jim Lowe
Using: Mixed woods, sawdust, paint and dye
210 wide
Box of Boxes
Made by: Annita Fritz, Logan van der Meer and Colin Parkinson
Using: Mixed woods and pen kit
80 high
The Soup Course
Made by: Tony Waterson, Dick Veitch and Wal Drayton
Using: Black walnut, oregon, kanuka and more with copper tube and nails
Big pot 180 dia
United by Texture
Made by: Leith Gray, Warwick Day and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Various woods, textured and painted
widest 200 dia
Who’s Been Eating My Porridge
Made by: David Marshall, Ross Vivian and Heather Vivian
Using: Elm, rimu, jacaranda and rolled oats
widest 245 dia
Bowl on the Piss
Made by: Roger Mabey, Neil Joynt and Geoff Addison
Using: Walnut, swamp rata and apricot with pewter
210 wide
2+ Fruit Platter
Made by: Nick Crozier, Graeme Mackay and Jill Mabey
Using: Various woods and a bit of foil
270 wide
Use a chunk of this old totara stump
We’re Stumped
Made by: Andrew Bright, Mark Bayliss and Colin Parkinson
Using: A bit of the totara stump
570 high
Showing History
Made by: Logan van der Meer, Jim Lowe and Tony Waterson
Using: A bit of the totara stump
280 dia
Once was an Altar
Made by: Dick Veitch, Annita Fritz and Leith Gray
Using: Bits of the totara stump
200 high
Green and Gold
Made by: Warwick Day, Wal Drayton and David Marshall
Using: The totara stump and resin
180 high
Tikokino Marvel
Made by: Heather Vivian, Mark von Dadelszen and Roger Mabey
Using: A bit of the totara stump
350 dia
Base to the Finish
Made by: Neil Joynt, Ross Vivian and Nick Crozier
Using: A bit of the totara stump, with kauri and rimu
560 wide
Rest Alone
Made by: Graeme Mackay, Geoff Addison and Ron Ashford
Using: A bit of the totara stump
280 long
The remaining photos are of items made collaboratively by two or more of the participants.
Golden Apricot
Made by: Dick Veitch and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Apricot with resin, glitter, gold paint and stain
230 wide
Made by: Annita Fritz and Christine Day
Using: Kauri with a sweetwater pearl, silver and waxed string
50 dia
Textured Vessel
Made by: Dick Veitch, Graeme Mackay and Jill Mabey
Using: Oak, sandblasted, waxed and gilded
90 dia
Made by: Leith Gray and Geoff Addison
Using: Another bit of the totara stump turned and lacquered
240 dia
For Next Christmas
Made by: Leith Gray and Geoff Addison
Using: Holly, copper beech and maire with pewter and thread
200 long
Made by: Wal Drayton, Brent Salisbury and Graeme Mackay
Using: Silky oak, resin and a bit of pyrography
65 high
Delayed Completion
Made by: Wal Drayton, Warwick Day, Jim Manley and Robbie Graham
Using: Unknown wood, carved, painted and waxed
225 dia
Oak Dish
Made by: Roger Mabey and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Oak, turned wet, sandblasted and gilded
155 dia
Fairy Queen Vase
Made by: Dick Veitch and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Anonymous wood with red stain, iridescent silver and gold paint
200 high
Native Snake (Sculpture)
Made by: Mark von Dadelszen and Brent Salisbury
Using: Silver beech root on black maire base
660 long
Back from the Dead
Made by: Dick Veitch, Karen Waterson and Tony Waterson
Using: Swamp Kauri, airbrushed and lacquered
250 dia
Silver Rose
Made by: Warwick and Christine Day
Using: Totara textured and gilded, with a sterling silver and gold rose
135 dia
Macrocarpa Bowl
Made by: Dick Veitch and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Macrocarpa with blue dye and iridescent paint
225 dia
Recycled Mac
Made by: Dick Veitch and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Macrocarpa with stain and blue dye
200 dia
Swamp Silver Pine Bowl
Made by: Leith Gray and Logan van der Meer
Using: Swamp silver pine, textured and with carved legs
150 dia
Made by: Andrew Bright and Annita Fritz
Using: Ash, pohutukawa, puriri and swamp rata
130 high
Made by: Andrew Bright and Annita Fritz
Using: Unknown woods from the resource room with pallet wood and kwila decking
1000 long
Wood Shell I
Made by: Anon and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Possibly ash with yellow dye and copper iridescent paint
80 dia
Wood Shell II
Made by: Anon and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Possibly ash with blue dye and blue and gold iridescent paint
60 long
Leith’s Walnut
Made by: Jill and Roger Mabey, Leith Gray and Logan van der Meer
Using: Black walnut with pyrography and paint
220 dia
Inside Gold, Lidded Box
Made by: Graeme Mackay and Brent Salisbury
Using: Matai with paua and metallica paint
240 high
A Touch of Green
Made by: Tony Waterson, Geoff Addison and Karen Waterson
Using: Oak and maire with texture and paint
90 dia
Made by: Graeme Mackay and Jill Mabey
Using: Tulip – magnolia with pyrography and paint
100 high
Rimu Coffee Table
Made by: Ross and Heather Vivian and Karen Waterson
Using: Rimu burr, with resin-filled holes, on deer antler legs
900 long
Little Blue Bowl
Made by: Nick Crozier and Jim Lowe
Using: Oak, sandblasted, painted and limed.
110 dia
Bird Place
Made by: Ross Vivian and Heather Vivian
Using: Totara and macrocarpa with deer antler
310 long
Bird Bath
Made by: Ross and Heather Vivian and Karen Waterson
Using: Pine, elm, lawsoniana with some pumice, sea shells, paint and resin
270 high
From the Elm that Killed the Car
Made by: Dick Veitch, Wal Drayton and Tony Waterson
Using: Elm and copper
140 dia
Autumn Colours
Made by: Heather Vivian, Karen Waterson and Tony Waterson
Using: Oak and unknown wood with carving, pyrography and paint
90 dia
Made by: Warwick Day and Graeme Mackay
Using: Spalted maire with aluminium, texturing and paint
140 dia
Small Adze
Made by: Dick Veitch and Ross Vivian
Using: Recycled Kauri, chip-carved and scorched
110 dia
Nuts in the Shed
Made by: Brent Salisbury and Wal Drayton
Using: Walnut with texturing and gilding
120 dia
Thrown Twice
Made by: Tony Waterson, Wal Drayton and Heather Vivian
Using: Kahikatea with texturing and gilders paste
120 dia
I Saw Yew Fly
Made by: Neil Joynt, Troy Grimwood and Karen Waterson
Using: Yew box with swamp rata insert and texturing
80 dia
Wizzard of Colab
Made by: Neil Joynt and Mark Bayliss
Using: Black maire, kanuka and laburnum with leather and feather
1600 long
Chainsaw Massacre
Made by: Ron Ashford, Geoff Addison and Graeme Mackay
Using: Totara and coloured resin
430 wide
Plum Pendant
Made by: Leith Gray, Jill Mabey, Geoff Addison and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Plum and paint
50 dia
Plum Pendant
Made by: Leith Gray and Mark von Dadelszen
Using: Plum and paint with rose gold highlights
50 dia
3800 Swamp Rata
Made by: Leith Gray, Jill Mabey and Ross Vivian
Using: Swamp rata (3800 yr old) and paint
50 dia
Roger the Dodger
Made by: Ross Vivian, Karen Waterson and Dick Veitch
Using: Glass and paint on swamp kauri tray
200 dia
Lone Seagull
Made by: Graeme Mackay, Karen Waterson and Jill Mabey
Using: Maple with pyrography, acryllic and chalk paint
200 dia
Autumnal Pohutukawa
Made by: Dick Veitch and Jill Mabey
Using: Pohutukawa, pyrography and paint
230 dia
Farm Frame
Made by: Brent Salisbury, Logan van der Meer and Jill Mabey
Using: Totara battens, sundry mushroom wood, copper nails and paint
500 high
Deconstructed Bowl
Made by: Nobody owned up
Using: Mixed slivers of history in potential pollution
300 long
Fourth in the Family
Made by: Dick Veitch, Geoff Addison, Troy Grimwood and Christine Day
Using: Swamp kauri, eucalyptus, pepper tree burr supported by copper
340 high
Waves of Time
Made by: Brent Salisbury and Andrew Bright
Using: Spalted unknown wood, sandblasted and waxed
230 dia