National Woodskills Festival Kawerau - 2012 7 to 9 September Pinus Radiata 01 Jane Allnatt 05 Des Kendrick 06 Derek Kerwood 08 Robbie Graham Carving/Sculpture – Open 13 Jane Allnatt 14 Roger Dean 17 Leith Gray 19 Derek Kerwood 27 Joe Kemp Woodturning – Traditional 32 Leith Gray 33 Neil Joynt 34 Derek Kerwood 42 Graeme Rigden 44 Terry Scott 45 Terry Scott 49 Dick Veitch Woodturning – Open Artistic 55 George Cross 60 Derek Kerwood 64 Graeme McIntyre 70 Ken Newton 73 Robbie Graham 76 Terry Scott 79 Dick Veitch 81 Tony Waterson Furniture Open 123 Glenn McKree 1st Sophie McKay 82 Andy Halewood 83 Jasper Murphy 87 Terry Beech 89 Jacob von Holzen Marquetry 91 Dave Page 92 Jacob von Holzen Intarsia 100 Adrian van Rijen 96 Arthur Baylis 97 Des Kendrick 98 Des Kendrick Toys, Models, Replicas, and Games 105 Mal Baylis 107 Des Kendrick 108 Des Kendrick 114 Wally Seccombe Novice 116 Gavin Stilwell 117 John Hutchings 125 Nicholas Dekker Best Local Entry 15 Peter Dooley The Lily Stubbs Memorial Honours Board 41 Ken Newton