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Further details regarding placing an advertisement in Creative Wood are available in PDF file, please use the links below to download or view the file.
We prefer material shipped as e-mail attachments. Ideally graphical material should be supplied as full resolution eps, pdf or tif files and e-mailed as an attachment or couriered on CD disk.
All computer programs able to generate these file formats are acceptable for use. Please ensure all fonts used are either embedded, supplied as separate files or converted to paths in the generating application.
Save colour files according to the CMYK model, not RGB, and provide the PMS colour reference for spot colours. Grayscale and colour contone images should be saved at 300 dpi, line art and graphical text saved at 600 dpi.
A hard copy must also be provided.
All material for mock-up advertisements must be received before the deadline and be of suitable quality.
All production costs are extra and are not included in the advertising costs.
Valley print
55-57 Victoria Street,
Petone, Wellington,
New Zealand
Phone: (04)568 5451
Email: pam@valleyprint.co.nz