All of the following information is available in a WORD file or a PDF file that can be downloaded via the buttons below.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 has implications for community organisations. Not-for-profit organisations need to consider whether and, if so, what parts of their activities may be covered by the Act, and just as a “she’ll be right” approach to health and safety is not appropriate in for-profit commerce, neither is it appropriate in a community organisation’s activities. While the new statute does not always apply to community organisations a Club or Guild should always endeavour to meet best health and safety practices.
Common woodworking health and safety risks (to operators and those nearby) include accidents associated with machinery, tools, and wood becoming detached from the machine; dust; fumes from and contact with colouring agents and finishing materials, and messy working conditions.
Gathering wood for woodworking (tree felling, lopping branches, converting logs into blanks, and trimming blanks) also involves risks to those carrying out the work and others nearby.
Health and Safety Declaration
I (Print name), ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. declare that when in my Club’s/Guild’s premises or engaged in or watching its activities anywhere else I will:
1. Follow and abide by the health, safety and work practices as required for this Club/Guild or workplace and I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to learn about and remember those health, safety and work practices,
2. Take the actions listed in the Hazards list to minimise the risks identified,
3. Always use machines in a manner that is appropriate to the characteristics of the wood being worked and which will minimise the risk of injury to myself and others,
4. Always work with sharp tools which are appropriate to the task being undertaken,
5. When operating a machine always:
(a) Secure any loose hair and clothing to avoid it being caught in machinery or wood, and
(b) Wear or use appropriate safety equipment such as a face shield, safety glasses, dust mask, gloves, etc,
6. Identify to the Health and Safety Officer, or club executive, any new hazards observed and then work with that person to minimise that hazard, and
7. Promptly and without argument comply with all directions of a designated safety officer.
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Note: One signed copy is to be retained by the Club/Guild, and one copy is to be retained by the member.
All the above information is available in a WORD file or a PDF file that can be downloaded via the buttons below.